I still don't understand why married men cheat or rather have kids outside.... I mean i still don't get the logic behind it... You have a beautiful wife even if she's not beautiful il assume your love was blind... and wonderful children.
You're successful or better still comfortable... with all of that, why would some men have kids outside knowing on the long run he would be in for a big trouble.. Well he may not care if his wife finds out or he might, and claim it was a mistake and all... But i still don't get that...
You date a lady, you love her, you propose saying you want to spend the rest of your life with her.. and along the line.. I'll assume the love grows sour and you decide to keep a concubine outside. Then she begins to raise a child for you.
I wonder if these men ever think..How do they expect their wives to react to the situation? once a man starts having kids outside.. thats just the height of betrayal, deception, double dealing, treason, let-down, perfidy, and the list goes on.
Let us imagine if the tables were turned around.. if the men where in the women's shoes? How would they react?
How would a man feel if he realizes his wife is living a double life.. Having another husband illegally outside and claiming she works in another state, travels probably Mondays to Wednesdays for the supposed job and claims she works from home on Thursday and Friday.. How would the man feel? Or if the child the husband was raising wasn't his.. How would he react?
It's pretty annoying that some men think they are super smart.. Only if they knew we women could be smarter... we just decide not to.
It is not as if I've been married before or whatever but...this issue just disturbs me.. because I still don't get
Not like i support it, but i get the idea that married men sleep around once in a while because they say and i quote "You don't want to keep eating the same soup all the time" But Duhh, if you dint want to be eating the same soup or whatever why are you married?
I don't think some men realize that women have the same right as they do in a marriage.. A woman can also decide to mess around and cheat the same way the husband does.. she just chooses not, to protect her dignity and self image.
I'm a very curious human and i enjoy researching about the weirdest things.. I researched about marriage and affair and found 10 reasons why men cheat...I'll blog about it later. After reading, it still dint give enough reason for a married man to cheat on his wife... Sincerely, I really wouldn't care if my husband cheats.. as long as I do not find out because once i do.. its a wrap.
So imagine if you're just dating this dude and he constantly cheats and constantly begs you back.. And you been a fool keeps taking him back hoping he would change.. Dang, some ladies sha! My mom usually says "Do not manage in any relationship because if you do at this young age what would you do when you get married?" Think about it.
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