-Everyone's life is driven by something-
In my perspective, the verb "Drive" could mean " to guide, control, or to direct." whether you are driving a car or a nail, or whatever, you are controlling, guiding and directing it at that moment.
The "Big Question" I ask myself is what is the driving force in my life, your life???
As a student, I was driven by pressure, deadlines and priorities i think...on the other hand, some people are driven by a painful memory,a haunting fear or an unconscious belief. However, there are millions of values, emotions and circumstances that can drive one's life.
Some Common Drives
- Some people are driven by guilt:
Yes, we are products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it. God's purpose is never limited by our past.
- Some people are driven by resentment
Resentment always hurts you than the person you resent. while your offender has probably forgotten the offence and gone on with life, you continue to swim in your past and drown in pain.
Your past is the past! Nothing will change it! You are only hurting yourself with your bitterness. For your own sake, learn from it and let it go.
- Some people are driven by fear
Although fear is learned, it maybe a result of a traumatic experience, an unrealistic expectation, one's background/up bringing, and so on.
However, regardless of the cause, fear driven people often miss great opportunities because they're afraid to venture out. Instead they play it safe and avoid risks. Fear is a self-imposed prison. It could be defeated by looking beyond the fear and moving against it with love and faith.
Personally, I love love adventure. I took an outdoor recreation class just for fun and loved hated it. I mean, i loved it when we went hiking, rock climbing and camping... Hated it when i went Kayaking.. by myself. I literally thought I was going to die.. I mean i prayed in all the languages i knew, confessed all my sins and did everything you could imagine. I learnt to paddle 30minutes after my professor said "Femi push the canoe into the river and if you're going left, paddle to the right and if you're going right, paddle to the left. I was so mad, I literally cursed him for the 3 hours I spent paddling. I even got stuck on a rock and on a branch... I mean it was a bitter sweet experience.
Never again would i go Kayaking.. Good thing i ticked it off my bucket list :)
- Some people are driven with materialism
- Possessions only provide temporary happiness because things do not change... we eventually become bored with them and then want a newer, bigger and a better version.
- Your value isn't determined by your valuables.
- The most common myth about money is "The more money we come across, the more problems we see" - Notorious BIG
- Some people are driven by the need for acceptance
I'm definitely sure I do not know all the keys to success but one key to failure is "trying to please everyone."
Being controlled by the opinion of others is a guaranteed way to miss one's purpose in life and God's purpose in one's life.
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