Thursday, July 19, 2012

Can't rain forever

I'm dedicating this post to my beautiful and wonderfully made short rat... My tibumbum with the squeaky voice! Lol! The only human thay thinks my uncle looks like Awolowo.. Sucha weirdo! I remember when she told me he looks like Awolowo, my response was "yes, he is the one.. We jst like to keep it a secret so people don't know we're rich like that" lol!
PS: Obafemi Awolowo was one of the founding fathers of Nigeria

Its 4:29:40 AM and I'm awake because I had two grande cups of iced caramel latte w/ half and half, whip cream on top w/ caramel drizzle from starbucks.. It was sooo good! I know I'm greedy, I don't need a reminder, Thank you! 

Tibumbum love, its going to be okay.. Everything is going to be just fine! Someone once told me "It might be stormy now, but it can never rain forever" Be strong now because things would definitely get better.

Okay, its 4:47:54 AM and I promised myself I must fall asleep by 5:00 AM. I mean if sleep isn't man enough to come meet me, I'll go meet it. 

Imagine being w/ that one person in your life that you just can't give up on, the one person who treats you like shit yet you always seem to give them another chance? And no matter how many times you say this is their last one, you know it's a lie because there's always just one more waiting for them. The one person you know you're better off without, but you can't find a way to let them go because deep down inside, you wouldn't know what to do without them. The one person you know doesn't deserve you, but yet you choose to overlook it because you're in "LOVE"

Anyways, moving on - PS: I really feel offended when some girls/ladies say they can't start over so they would rather manage the relationsh they're in. I call it relationsh not relationship because well... I guess the relationship is incomplete or Idk I guess coz its my blog so I can say whaterver!...

Quick story! - the other a friend told me she knows her man cheats and won't leave him becuase what's the point or gurantee that if she leaves him the next dude she ends up w/ won't cheat so might she as well hang in there.. Like seriously? What on earth is this world turning into? 

Sometimes, we really don't know what we have till its gone. We tend to take for granted the people in our lives that mean so much to us.

Its 5:07:18 AM really need to get some sleep.

To be honest and in my opinion,I think sometimes you have to hit your leg so hard on a stone to realize youre strong! strong enough to get back up and try it all again.

To be continued.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Lost in thoughts

Dear blog,
I haven't been fair to you in so long... I haven't visited you in months neither have i written to you. I've had a lot going on and I really do not know where to start from.

Too many things going on but I'm definitely going to blog about them and make sure you guys catch up on the gist.

My excuses for not blogging, First; I've been too lazy to blog, second; my computer screen is blank.. well the LCD is broken so i literally  have to connect it to the TV to use it.. Yes I know I need a new computer.. I don't need no reminder. Third, I'm in NYC tooo many things going on.. I'l rather go out than blog.. that's how bad I have gotten.. I mean even when I go out, I usually write my posts on my phone then email it to myself then post in on my blog...complicated I know.. But even my phone has issues.. Everything seems to be going wrong.. But oh well, cant really complain.

Of late, I've been lost in my thoughts... If you know me well, you realize I am more of a listener than a talker.. well, "Empathy" is one of my strengths according to Clifton Strength Finder.. We all had to take the Strength Finders test as a freshman back in college.

Empathy in my own words is "when you can sense the feelings or thoughts of others" Don't get me wrong.. I'm not a! Its just natural. For instance: I can talk to someone for less than 5 minutes and tell what kind of person he/she is and tell what he/she is going through. Well, I think I exaggerated the 5 minutes.. Lets say 20minutes or so.

Anyways, the sad part of been a good listener is "Who is your listener"

I am my Listener... I enjoy talking to myself.. Call me a Weido.

You ever being in a situation where by someone is talking to you and you're nodding your head giving all the non verbal signs that you're paying attention but your mind is really not there? and when he/or she says "oh whats the last thing I said." and your response is "what, I dint get that.. was about to ask you. Lol" Yep, that;s me blanking out and lost in my thoughts.